Weekly Meetings

The weekly Troop meeting is the glue that holds a Boy Scout Troop together. These meetings, are planned and run by the troop’s youth leaders. They serve many purposes:

Motivating Scouts. 

From Scouts’ points of view, troop meetings are chances for them to get together with their Patrol friends for fun and adventure. For the Scoutmaster, meetings offer opportunities for Scouts to learn, advance, learn new leadership skills, and improve themselves.

Strengthening Patrols.

Patrols have opportunities at troop meetings to meet together, to learn as a team and to share what they know. Whether they serve as the honor guard for the meeting’s opening ceremony, as presenters of a Scouting skill or as the organizers of the weekly inter-patrol game or activity, every patrol can contribute to every troop meeting.

Learning & Practicing Scouting Skills.

A portion of every Troop meeting is focused on the demonstration and practice of skills that will enhance Scouts’ ability to hike and camp, and to meet advancement requirements.

Exercising Leadership.

Every week, the Troop’s youth leaders take charge of planning, carrying out and then assessing the success of their troop meetings. Leadership can be learned only by experience, and troop meetings are the venue for this to happen.

Promoting Scout Spirit.

Troop meetings offer ideal settings for Patrols to take part in contests and competitions that test their expertise and abilities to cooperate with one another. Meetings always end with the Scoutmaster’s Minute – an inspirational and/or informative take-home message for the Scouts.